Statement of physical participation in the educational process in public school units (edupass)

The Edupass platform was created to facilitate the monitoring of the implementation of the protection measures against the spread of COVID-19 for physical presence in educational institutions.  For the current school year 2022-2023, the protective measures in force do not  provide for the reporting of COVID-19 test results and the operation of the platform has been suspended.


You can state your intention or your children's intention to be physically present in their public school units.

 The Edupass statement needs to be submitted by:

  • pupils of public school units (in which case it is submitted by the parent/guardian) 
  • educational staff and members of Special Educational Staff (SES) and Special Support Staff (SSS)
  • any other natural person who participates with physical presence in any kind of educational process carried out within the premises of the  public educational institution ("visitors"), such as, for example, students undertaking an internship at the school unit.

The reporting (self test / rapid test / PCR test) is made as many times as required by the regulatory framework in force. The test result is recorded in the eBox of the school unit in the form of a list.

 You will need:

  • either your personal Taxisnet credentials or the personal access codes of the electronic banking (e-banking) systems of the credit institutions
  • your SIN or your child's SIN

If you are recording a negative self-test result, a negative test result school card is issued by the application, which you need to print. The pupil presents, without handing it in, the school card inside the classroom, to the teacher of the first hour class and carries it with him/her until the next diagnostic test, in case a teacher or the school principal asks for it.

The parents/guardians of pupils attending private schools will continue to record their self-test results on the platform  and issue the school card for Covid-19, by following exactly the same process implemented as of today.

The statement aims to:

  • protect public health, shield the physical operation of educational institutions and simplify the control procedures for the observance of health protocols
  • monitor whether the legal conditions are fulfilled (vaccination, disease, negative PCR/rapid test result), depending on the health measures applicable in each case

Service Information

Last updated: Tuesday 10 January, 2023

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