Postponement of classification due to treatment in drug dependent treatment centres

You can request the postponement of your classification in the Armed Forces if you are following treatment in residential care centres (KETHEA) or equivalent institutions abroad and you have not received a postponement of classification for the same reason in the past.

When you apply

  • If you are a conscript: From the start date of your treatment until the date on which you are required to classify due to the end of the qualifying deferral. If submitted at a later date, the deferral shall be granted only if the conditions existed on the date of classification.
  • If you are a deputy: From the start date of your treatment until the date on which you are required to classify due to the end of the qualifying deferral.

You will need:

  • personal passwords to TAXISnet
  • certification or certificate from the KETHEA, in which you have been included for treatment, showing the full identity of the treatment centre, your full civil status details and the date on which your treatment started

Select My Applications to see the status of your application.

Service Information

Last updated: Tuesday 06 December, 2022

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