Certificate of non-contestation of the validity of elections in associations or unions

You can apply to receive a certificate of non-contestation of the validity of elections in associations or unions, by booking  a digital appointment on myKEPlive to be served by an employee of the Citizens' Service Centres (KEP).

During the video conference, the KEP employee will answer any questions you may have about the process.

You will need to enter:

  • your personal Taxisnet credentials
  • the association's certified articles of association, ready to be sent or posted during the video conference
  • your TIN
  • the registered office of the association

Also, you can apply online to receive certificates of local courts, courts of first instance and appeal courts, by selecting "Online submission of applications for court certificates". The service is provided for specific local courts (Irinodikeio), courts of first instance and appeal courts. Gradually, all courts will be included in the service.

Service Information

Last updated: Wednesday 11 January, 2023

Created and maintained by: Digital Governance

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